Piristystä päivään tarjosi Karl Lagerfeld's Guide to Life. Suosittelen!
"-I noticed you were a rap-artiste before rap was invented. Can you tell me more about this?
-It's very simple. I speak so fast it ends up sounding like a rap, and one day I was walking down hell's kitchen and Bob Dylan heard me, as well as Louis Armstrong. That ended up being the geniuses of rap, before it was desecrated by the so called "rappers" of today. Gosh, back in Germany we used to have fast-talking competitions (when I was a child), and I would always win. Nowadays one would call it a "Rap Battle" or something equally inane."
-It's very simple. I speak so fast it ends up sounding like a rap, and one day I was walking down hell's kitchen and Bob Dylan heard me, as well as Louis Armstrong. That ended up being the geniuses of rap, before it was desecrated by the so called "rappers" of today. Gosh, back in Germany we used to have fast-talking competitions (when I was a child), and I would always win. Nowadays one would call it a "Rap Battle" or something equally inane."
Voi ei, toivottavasti EI ole murtumia tms pahempia vaurioita...Parane pian ja hoida ittes huolella kuntoon..Kaikesta huolimatta hyvää vointia ja pidä mieli virkeenä..Ehkäpä voit nyt tehdä jotain mitä et ole kiireiltäsi ehtinyt..
VastaaPoistaVoi kauheaa!<3 Onneksi olet vielä elossa!<3 parantele koipees ni päässää bätlää!<3